[1. Interior darkened warehouse]
Robin: Why did Batman want to meet us here?
Jesus: I honestly don't know.
[2. Batman's silohette]
Batman: I learned it by watching you.
[3. trio view]
Noid: That's omenous.
Jesus: Not really the kind of thing you start with when you're revealing a big secret about the science of memes.
[4. Another Batman silhouette]
Batman: It's the key to memes. But that doesn't matter.
[5. Batman head on]
Batman: Because I'm not giving it to you.
[6. trio view]
Jesus: Well, actually you just told us it's "by watching you".
[7. Batman shadows again]
Batman: I learned a lot from both of you. You Noid.
[8. Noid view]
Batman: You're not actively evil. You're just selfish. You don't go out of your way to make the world worse.
[9. Monsters flashback]
Batman: You just don't care enough to stop it.
[10. Trio view]
Noid: That's fair.
[11. Jesus view]
Batman: But you Jesus.
[12. Batman silhouette]
Batman: Or should I say Jesus meme?
[13. Some Jesus memes]
Batman: Because you're not the real Jesus.
[14. Batman silhouette]
Batman: You're just the meme. Like all of us, you're the idea of Jesus.
[15. Jesus memes]
Batman: But you're completely broken. You have borderline personality disorder. People never agree on you.
[16. Batman silhouette]
Batman: And you don't care. You only want power. You want to spread and lord it over everyone. You don't care about anything.
[17. Jesus washing feet]
Batman: But Jesus was a servant to people. He cared about people.
[18. Jesus character view]
Batman: Hell, I'm more like Jesus than you.
[19. Batman looking pensive]
[20. Jesus view]
Jesus: You wish. I made you! I gave you life. When I found you, you were a mindless meme like the rest of them.
[21. Batman silhouette over jesus view]
Batman: No, that's it. I'm more like Jesus than you.
[22. Batman JESUS!]
Batman: I AM the new Jesus!
[23. Jesus view]
Jesus: You're mad! But that does remind me of me when I was a younger meme.
[24. Batman Jesus View]
Batman: You brought me to life because you needed me, but I don't need you. I'm everything you ever were and more!
[25. Batman view]
Robin: NO!
[26. Robin view]
Robin: Batman, no...