dolan: faq u
[60 seconds earlier...]
Noid: MySpace is just past this stretch of dogecoin. We don't need to take the car. Besides, if we brought it, we'd probably just lose
it in whatever hijinks we get into next.
Robin: Like that gold and white dress in front of us?
Noid: I have a really bad feeling about this. Let's get out of here.
Noid: It's going viral. RUN!
Robin [now hanging from the ground while the dress vortex sucks everyone in]: What the fuck is this?
Noid: It's a blue and black hole! And it's the fastest I've ever seen anything go viral! It's gonna suck in every other meme!
Robin: When does it stop?!?
Noid: It could go on for weeks!
Robin: What do we DO?
Noid: Only a bigger meme can stop it. A sacrifice maybe. And that might only slow it down.
[Jesus drops dolan.]
dolan: faq u Jesus!
Noid: Throwing dolan into the blue and black hole dress meme is not going to save us.
Noid: But it was the right thing to do.
Robin: What's that over there?
Noid: That's the space cowboy!
Jesus: The Vulcan of love!
[Leonard Nimoy space cowboy meme]
[Leonard Nimoy makes the 'Live Long and Prosper' sign in front of the vortex]
Jesus: Saving the world.
[Leonard Nimoy disintegrates into the void]
Noid [now on the ground again]: He did it. He didn't kill the dress. But it'll never be as powerful as it was that morning.
Robin: Still gold and white.