[Batman broods]
Jesus: ... that's when I memed that I was returning soon, and that's kept me going for 2000 years---
Batman: I found the radioactive substance we can use to mutate memes. Meet me at MySpace.
Noid: He's making us wait?!?
Robin: What? When did the Noid get back?
dolan: myspass? y no napster. is even mor retard. (MySpace? Why not Napster? That's even more retarded.)
Robin: Ew, dolan. What are you doing here?
Noid: dolan is a mistake from our memetic modification attempts. We can't figure out how to destroy him.
dolan: fak u nod. i fak ur mom. she like to nod. (Fuck you, Noid. I fucked your mom. She likes to nod.)
Robin: Oh god, he dolan'd us. Did you think maybe this world isn't worth saving?
Noid: I wanted to burn it all down, but then there would still be dolan and twinkie memes.
dolan: just u an me twunkie. (Just you and me twinkie.)
dolan: time to repopulate wurld (Time to repopulate the world.)
[Cowboy Twinkie wimpers]
dolan in Broke Back Mountain cowboy hat: wish i kno how to quit u (I wish I knew how to quit you.)