Obvious Newb - All The Things Obvious Newb - All The Things Obvious Newb - All The Things Obvious Newb - All The Things Obvious Newb - All The Things Obvious Newb - All The Things
Script: Batman: Train me in the ways of GMOs, troll scientists. Trolls: lol, new fag, n00b, obvious newb is obvious, do you even lift? Trolls: fag, fag, fag, ... [POW!] Trolls: LOL. Ok, newb. Follow us. Trolls: To make GMOs, you can go to school and learn about genes like a chump. But we prefer the asshole way... Trolls: RADIATION ALL THE THINGS! Jesus: He means "irradiate" all the things. Robin: I can't even tell which one is talking. Trolls: To make GMOs, we plant crops around nuclear waste and wait until they mutate. Trolls: We keep the ones that we can sell. We tame the ones that we can use. The U.S. marines deal with the rest. Batman: But to make memes that way, you need to find a source of memetic radiation. Something truly toxic and deadly! Trolls: That's where we hit a road block. We can't find an appropriate mutagen. Batman: Have you tried-- Trolls: Yes, of course. Trolls: But raw YouTube comments are just too volatile.