Jesus: Gentlemen, we've been caught in a Monsanto lawsuit.
Robin: What happened to the clouds?
Jesus: They were for effect. They went away now that Batman defeated the memes.
[slow clap...]
Noid: Well done, Batman meme!
Batman: The Domino's Pizza Noid! I thought you died in 1989!
Robin: Jesus said memes can't die.
Jesus: No, I said they can't die in a car accident.
Batman: A meme dies when no one thinks about it anymore.
Noid: Correction: A meme usually dies. I would have, too. If I hadn't created MONSANTO.
Noid: Welcome to my kingdom. Monsanto Labs.
Batman: You didn't invent Monsanto. It's 80 years older than you.
Noid: Think like a meme, n00b. I didn't invent Monsanto, I invented the meme. Nobody knew about it until me. Now I prolong my wretched life with their inventions.
Noid: Plus, I once had a cameo on Family Guy.
Batman: You tell people GMO's are dangerous just to save your own skin? That's low, even for you, Noid.
[Troll Physics scientists working in the foreground]
Noid: WTF?! I do this to survive. It must be pretty nice to be so popular and never fear for your LIFE.
Noid: I've seen too many memes die to just sit down and take it. FUCK! Even your sidekick is missing most of the time. And when he's there, you beat him up!
Noid: With all this research, I've still only got three frames to meme with. I'm not asking a lot! And besides, if I hadn't made Monsanto, you would have no where to go right now!!!
Noid: I think I need some time alone.
[Noid disappears]
Jesus: Hehe. What a character.