Doge king: wow, not welcome, ruin kindgom (kingdom), must die, much threat
Doge king: wordbank, atack (attack)
Doge king: wow
Robin meme: Alright, Robin meme. You can figure this out.
Robin meme: We were fighting. Why were we fighting? Can't remember.
Robin meme: Weird guy. Dog king. Very fast attack walrus. And I could swear I've seen them all before.
Robin meme: What did I just call myself?
wordbank :(
[free candy]
Driving dog: No time to explain. Get in the van.
Robin meme: Seems legit.
-- cut --
Driving dog: Have you noticed and changes in your body?
Robin meme: Welp, this is my stop. Thanks for the ride, creepy dog.
Driving dog: I mean, did you notice you look different from moment to moment?
Robin meme: I haven't checked a fucking mirror. I need to find Batman!
Driving dog: Batman's not Batman. He never was.
Robin meme: Then who is he? What are we?
[MEMES. You woke up in a world of them.]
Driving dog: You woke up in a world of memes, kid. Everything here is an Internet meme.
Robin meme (out-of-view): Who ARE you?
Driving dog/Batman: I'm Batman meme!
[Achievement Unlocked: Premise Explained]